Research & Development

Team of scientists develop your product

Our scientists use industry trends and scientific studies to formulate your custom product.

Custom Products

Formulated by Scientists using the latest research and trends.

Flavors & Packaging

New flavors that reflect your brand and maximize your budget.


Work with scientists to achieve precision, quality, and speed.

Scientists build your product with custom formulations

The Ingredients

We get early access to the latest ingredients on the market in order to create first-to-market products.

Manufacturing process

We prove to have the best lead times in the industry because we use the most precise machines on the market to produce efficiently and accurately.

Flavor Trends

Plant Science will provide Demographic taste-testing to improve regional and age demographic flavor approval. We specialize in easy-to-ship sample kits for your team to test for themselves. Our flavorists consistently conduct flavor research and develop popular and unique market favorites.

Consumer consumption

From flavors to packaging, trust Plant Science to design and develop products with the consumer’s ease of use in mind.


Be on the front end of every product evolution

Products and SKUs follow a life cycle from the development and launch phase through the peak of their popularity until finally leveling out after the competition catches up and duplicates. Our industry experience allows us to recognize this cycle and maneuver to facilitate innovation

High-capacity, large-volume production capabilities.

Our machines are custom-built to our specifications by the best manufacturers in Europe. We are able to produce significantly more finished goods faster than competitors with precision and accuracy.